I use the word choose cause some really have no idea they are doing it and subtle hints usually solves the problem. But then, there comes the complacent bitches/bastards who do it all the time.
These people are usually calculative and full of arrogance. Always thinking they have the best stuff and everyone else is below par and most importantly, below them. Yes, they sometimes have redeeming qualities, for example, you will be forced to spend less since they criticize every damn shit you want to purchase. However, who can stand day long self centered rubbish being thrown at your ears incessantly and without any note of shame?
Even if you think you have the best of everything, it does not mean that you know everything. Imperfect knowledge you know? How the hell would you know you have the best deal? Just cause you think you do, does not mean others did not make their own analysis. Maybe we had other things to consider, and so thus arrived at our decision? With all your self professed smartness, you should have been able to think of that part yourself.
This is no indication that im not having the time of my life in Melbourne. Dont freak out guys.