Friday, January 06, 2012

Top 5 things I hate about School

1. Waking up

2. Walking to the FSC.

It is so hot now and tin alley (a street I have to walk through) has this area whereby it just stinks like hell. I always feel like im at a farm, cleaning cow manure or something.

3. Classes are 1.5hrs long

It may not seem much but RJ classes were like 50mins!

4. Recently, I found out my EAP presentation time limit was 12, not 15mins

I honestly thought the limit was 12 to 15min... So my time was 13min___. :( Crap

5. Exams



I just learnt the dance to this! yay!
If only I had the same determination to study
Oh, how good would that be...

Here is the one dance version!

Signing off!!

Thursday, January 05, 2012

Hello again!

Yes, as usual, me blogging means Exams are coming.

As I was working on my EAP presentation last night, my sister was talking about studying business in Commerce.

She said that I will study everything, and I was kinda worried about that. Studying everything means I dont know everything about anything. Kind of like, Jack of all trades master of none?

Well, but I am considering business I guess.

Anyway, I am pretty busy with school. There are assignments due, research to be done and revision sheets to be completed. No, unlike previously, I did not exactly leave these revisions to the last minute. The work just kind of piled up consistently, almost grudgingly.

Since I am bored now (no. School does not exist.), I shall make a list. I think I shall make a list everyday. This is not a completed list.

5 moments of 2011
in no particular order

1. Returning home in September

I know I know! It was such a short holiday! I was not able to meet many people, and because I was so tired, I actually cancelled on some. (EEKS!)
But I am really glad I went home! Not just because I do not have to cook or do the dishes. Well, partly. But more importantly, cause I have built 18 years worth of friendships and I dont want to lose them!
I missed my family too and going home gave me this warm fuzzy feeling. oh. And reuniting with my tiggers.
That's a list topper

2. Purchasing a swimming goggle

HA! I know what you are thinking! WTF is probably going through your mind right now.
But yes, I bought goggles when I was in Mornington. Cause the pool was so bad.
It was salty, chlorine bombed and small.
And it blurred my vision.
So my friends and I had to buy goggles, cause we were not afraid of death and blindness.
We were just interested in swimming.

Well, at least it is a worthwhile investment

3. Going to Trinity

Your mind: WTFUHHH???
I know this is like... stupid but yes. I am really glad I came to Trinity. I met new friends, all from different places. We quarreled, we had fun and we partied. Also, I think Trinity helped my self esteem... in the education way. I never thought I was smart or intellectual. But Trinity kind of gave me that extra push. So I am really glad I came here. Besides, Trinity marks a new start for me. Considering how I screwed my Alevels up, this is not so bad.

4. Christmas and New Year Party.

Party Animal - WORD

5. Meeting my new friends, of course!

There is the ever interesting and weird Jachow
There is the very caring Calbelle
There is the sexy geek Alicia
There is my siaozabor Jane
There is my party babies Alvina, Stacey, Vanessa, Robby, Alditha

But what I am most grateful for is my sister. :)
I love that I know her friends and she knows mine
So parties are much more fun... I mean, we have a greater network of friends.

I gotta go! Accounting assignment!


Sunday, January 01, 2012

Happy New Year!

So, I had a party yesterday and my friends were asking each other for their New Year's Resolution.

So, Im gonna make a list of things that I feel I should or could accomplish and a few goals here and there.

1. Graduate from Trinity with a good score (oh please)

This isn't really a choice. If I dont, then i should just jump off a building. I am still deciding between commerce and arts. So, I want to get a score that is above 86%, so that I am able to choose the faculty that I want to go to. I am quite torn between the two faculties. Commerce will give me a stable certificate, while arts will lead me to psychology and criminology. I know that combination will lead me nowhere, so I am hoping to use psychology to get into human resource. Well, I guess my end point would still be working for my dad, but I do want to do something that I am happy with, so studying will not be such a chore.

2. More Road trips please! Cairns, Sydney etc!

My friends and I drove to Mornington from the 27th to 30th Dec 2011. It is just a 2 hour journey from where I am. Well, yea, it is not much of a holiday if you think about it, but given the Trinity holiday schedule, I guess we made the most of it. The only thing is I really have to start studying now.

But I do like road trips! So I am looking forward to travelling around Australia during my school holidays. Like, why not?? I am studying in Australia, so domestic flights, or even driving, will be so much cheaper! :D

3. Swimming.

I bought goggles while I was at Mornington. I should utilise it.

4. Spend more time (skype) with my family

I haven't really spent much time skyping to my family, and I feel I really should. I know my parents miss me quite abit, and i do too. But its just the time difference is so different. Usually, I will be too tired and sleep is usually more tempting.

5. Disneyland and Universal Studio!

There is a Universal Studio Singapore! But alas, I am now studying in Melbourne. :(
I love going to Disneyland, Universal Studios and all kinds of theme parks! I love theme parks!
I dont really know why I like it so much.
But I just love the feeling of entering a theme park and all there is to do is run around and have fun! I just love theme parks!!

7. My driving licence

I CANNOT BELIEVE I FAILED MY FIRST ONE. I didnt stop at the stop line. Yupp.
That's why I failed. :(
Long story, but I really wanna get my licence by this year.
It will be retarded if I have to take my final theory test again.

8. Save money

haha. I know what you are thinking. Is that even possible? Well yes.
I have been spending so much here, it is impossible.
I plan to save at least $150 each month
It is impossible for January since there are bills to pay etc.
I will start saving in February and I will make sure I dont have to keep worrying about money
I want to use my own money and buy myself a ton of stuff

Basically anything and everything

9. Gym membership next year

10. More vegetable. I need to eat more vegetables

11. Cook at home more often

12. Dance classes!
Samba! Salsa! Argentine Tango!

13. Pictures! More pictures!

14. Language classes
I am still thinking about the different languages, but I will take a class in university!

15. I need to do the laundry every week
I know this sounds stupid, but seriously, my sister and I do the laundry once a month, or something like that. And the load that we have to do is like.. wow.
So this year, I will stay clean by doing the laundry every week.
It is summer now, so I cant be donning the same clothes over and over again
hoping I dont smell funny

So yupp, currently, these are my new year's resolution for 2012!
More will definitely be added to this list
But I will keep this list doable, so I will actually act on it