Sunday, January 01, 2012

Happy New Year!

So, I had a party yesterday and my friends were asking each other for their New Year's Resolution.

So, Im gonna make a list of things that I feel I should or could accomplish and a few goals here and there.

1. Graduate from Trinity with a good score (oh please)

This isn't really a choice. If I dont, then i should just jump off a building. I am still deciding between commerce and arts. So, I want to get a score that is above 86%, so that I am able to choose the faculty that I want to go to. I am quite torn between the two faculties. Commerce will give me a stable certificate, while arts will lead me to psychology and criminology. I know that combination will lead me nowhere, so I am hoping to use psychology to get into human resource. Well, I guess my end point would still be working for my dad, but I do want to do something that I am happy with, so studying will not be such a chore.

2. More Road trips please! Cairns, Sydney etc!

My friends and I drove to Mornington from the 27th to 30th Dec 2011. It is just a 2 hour journey from where I am. Well, yea, it is not much of a holiday if you think about it, but given the Trinity holiday schedule, I guess we made the most of it. The only thing is I really have to start studying now.

But I do like road trips! So I am looking forward to travelling around Australia during my school holidays. Like, why not?? I am studying in Australia, so domestic flights, or even driving, will be so much cheaper! :D

3. Swimming.

I bought goggles while I was at Mornington. I should utilise it.

4. Spend more time (skype) with my family

I haven't really spent much time skyping to my family, and I feel I really should. I know my parents miss me quite abit, and i do too. But its just the time difference is so different. Usually, I will be too tired and sleep is usually more tempting.

5. Disneyland and Universal Studio!

There is a Universal Studio Singapore! But alas, I am now studying in Melbourne. :(
I love going to Disneyland, Universal Studios and all kinds of theme parks! I love theme parks!
I dont really know why I like it so much.
But I just love the feeling of entering a theme park and all there is to do is run around and have fun! I just love theme parks!!

7. My driving licence

I CANNOT BELIEVE I FAILED MY FIRST ONE. I didnt stop at the stop line. Yupp.
That's why I failed. :(
Long story, but I really wanna get my licence by this year.
It will be retarded if I have to take my final theory test again.

8. Save money

haha. I know what you are thinking. Is that even possible? Well yes.
I have been spending so much here, it is impossible.
I plan to save at least $150 each month
It is impossible for January since there are bills to pay etc.
I will start saving in February and I will make sure I dont have to keep worrying about money
I want to use my own money and buy myself a ton of stuff

Basically anything and everything

9. Gym membership next year

10. More vegetable. I need to eat more vegetables

11. Cook at home more often

12. Dance classes!
Samba! Salsa! Argentine Tango!

13. Pictures! More pictures!

14. Language classes
I am still thinking about the different languages, but I will take a class in university!

15. I need to do the laundry every week
I know this sounds stupid, but seriously, my sister and I do the laundry once a month, or something like that. And the load that we have to do is like.. wow.
So this year, I will stay clean by doing the laundry every week.
It is summer now, so I cant be donning the same clothes over and over again
hoping I dont smell funny

So yupp, currently, these are my new year's resolution for 2012!
More will definitely be added to this list
But I will keep this list doable, so I will actually act on it


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