Thursday, January 05, 2012

Hello again!

Yes, as usual, me blogging means Exams are coming.

As I was working on my EAP presentation last night, my sister was talking about studying business in Commerce.

She said that I will study everything, and I was kinda worried about that. Studying everything means I dont know everything about anything. Kind of like, Jack of all trades master of none?

Well, but I am considering business I guess.

Anyway, I am pretty busy with school. There are assignments due, research to be done and revision sheets to be completed. No, unlike previously, I did not exactly leave these revisions to the last minute. The work just kind of piled up consistently, almost grudgingly.

Since I am bored now (no. School does not exist.), I shall make a list. I think I shall make a list everyday. This is not a completed list.

5 moments of 2011
in no particular order

1. Returning home in September

I know I know! It was such a short holiday! I was not able to meet many people, and because I was so tired, I actually cancelled on some. (EEKS!)
But I am really glad I went home! Not just because I do not have to cook or do the dishes. Well, partly. But more importantly, cause I have built 18 years worth of friendships and I dont want to lose them!
I missed my family too and going home gave me this warm fuzzy feeling. oh. And reuniting with my tiggers.
That's a list topper

2. Purchasing a swimming goggle

HA! I know what you are thinking! WTF is probably going through your mind right now.
But yes, I bought goggles when I was in Mornington. Cause the pool was so bad.
It was salty, chlorine bombed and small.
And it blurred my vision.
So my friends and I had to buy goggles, cause we were not afraid of death and blindness.
We were just interested in swimming.

Well, at least it is a worthwhile investment

3. Going to Trinity

Your mind: WTFUHHH???
I know this is like... stupid but yes. I am really glad I came to Trinity. I met new friends, all from different places. We quarreled, we had fun and we partied. Also, I think Trinity helped my self esteem... in the education way. I never thought I was smart or intellectual. But Trinity kind of gave me that extra push. So I am really glad I came here. Besides, Trinity marks a new start for me. Considering how I screwed my Alevels up, this is not so bad.

4. Christmas and New Year Party.

Party Animal - WORD

5. Meeting my new friends, of course!

There is the ever interesting and weird Jachow
There is the very caring Calbelle
There is the sexy geek Alicia
There is my siaozabor Jane
There is my party babies Alvina, Stacey, Vanessa, Robby, Alditha

But what I am most grateful for is my sister. :)
I love that I know her friends and she knows mine
So parties are much more fun... I mean, we have a greater network of friends.

I gotta go! Accounting assignment!


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